One of the kind from Sword-smith Kiyoshi Kato Tamahagene (mini sword )
Hand-forged with super old Tamahagene steel from his fathers Collection (about 100 years old )
Forged and quenched in Charcoal Oven
Quenched in water with Clay
Polished with: Binsui- Aoto- Chu Nagura- Koma Nagura- Uchigomori- Nakayama- Nagui
Kanji Translates Kanekuni: direct translation 兼=Serve , 國=country
The Kanji he usses ONLY on his Swords
Tamahagene Grain and Hamon is very visible and super beautiful just very hard to capture on photo :P
Custom Made Handle with Rare HARD Redwood Burl, Mammoth Ivory spacer and Brass
Super beautiful collector piece !!
Comes with Ho wood Saya
total length: 245mm
blade length: 115mm
Blade width: 15mm
Blade thickness: 4mm
handle length: 132mm